There’s a misconception in big US cities that small business owners from “Small Town America” just don’t get it when it comes to Marketing. In reality, that’s not the case at all. The fact is that most small business owners everywhere in the world are busy doing what they need to do: Running their businesses. At the end of the day, they just don’t have time to manage the marketing, too.
Here at Magnus, our clients tell us time and again that they know what they need to do as regards Social Media, Outbound and Inbound Marketing and building customer loyalty with repeat customers but they just run out of time. Many sleep only a few hours a night because they’re up early and working late to ensure that they’re providing an excellent customer experience to each and every person who walks through the door. On top of this – and unfortunately — most small business owners feel that hiring a Marketing firm will break the budget. They also need to know how they can measure results.
The good news is that even is “Small Town America” – or, especially in “Small Town America” if you will – Guerrilla Marketing tactics work. If you have the time to try these yourself, do so. If not, contact an agency like Magnus. You might just find that the budget won’t break and that the results will be not only measurable, but indisputable. Here are some ideas:
- Develop a Facebook page and link it to your website.
- Don’t have a website? Get one. Nobody looks in the phone book anymore; a website is mandatory in these days and times.
- Post photo albums of your products to your Facebook site so that customers and prospects can see what you have to offer.
- Use your website to educate your customers and prospects; tell them what you want them to know without sounding “salesy”. Tout the virtues of your products and services without touting yourself or your business by name. Your customer is researching so give him/her the information required and trust that because you have done so, they’ll come to you.
- Make noise. Every new hire, event, sale, coupon and discount is newsworthy to your audience. Post daily, weekly and monthly specials on your site, on your Facebook page and with signage wherever you can. Make coupons printable and require that they be brought into your business; this drives foot traffic through your door.
- Send direct mail: Yes, it still works. Images need to “pop” as does the writing. Remember that the direct mail piece is the hook, not the hook, line and sinker. Tell your customers and prospects what you’re offering and give them a call to action (having them register on your website for a small free gift works well) so that you can reach out and touch them time and again. It’s all about capturing their contact information.
- Use Google Analytics to measure results. It’s free and easy and if you don’t have time to do it yourself, a Marketing firm like Magnus can help without a lot of cost.
OK, so what are you going to do now? Build a site, put up a Facebook page, write an informational blog? Whatever it is, be sure that you’re educating customers and prospects so that they repeatedly seek you out for answers to their questions. Be a resource. Make a sale. That’s how it works.