We’ve all done it; you open an article, get halfway through and then move on to something else. If your business is blogging or posting articles, your readers may be doing this. Depending on your topic, the content of your article may be unbearably dry which ultimately leads to reader abandonment. How much abandonment you may ask? Well, according to chartbeat in a blog post from HubSpot, about 60% of your article is being read while the rest is left untouched.
Dry content can be hard to get around, but there are a few tricks to help spice up your article so that readers reach the finish line.
Make sure your post looks like an easy and enjoyable read. How?
- Add in photos, create an inviting title, and make sure to break up the article into small chunks so that the reader isn’t scared off at first glance. Articles with bullet points, bold headings throughout the piece, and small paragraphs are the most inviting.
- Humor always helps to keep readers interested. As long as it is appropriate for the message you want to portray, feel free to keep your writing light and fun.
- Speak from a viewpoint that your reader can relate to so that they can get as much help from your post as they are seeking.
- Seal the deal with a kiss, and by kiss i mean Keep it Simple, Silly! The less time it takes someone to read something, the more likely they will finish it.
Remember: not everyone is a business professional. Stray away from using too much business jargon. No one wants to read something that they cannot understand, and when a reader feels overwhelmed by information they tend to get bored.
The bottom line is that people typically seek entertainment. So why not give them a fun, upbeat article to read? Include interesting interviews, enticing photos, and shocking statistics. This will ensure a positive view of not only your article, but also your business.
Still not sure how to spruce up your content and hook your readers? Contact us here at Magnus Marketing for more help. We can provide you with the tools you need to cultivate an audience using proper social media techniques and a unique plan tailored to your business.
Blog Post written by Magnus Marketing Intern Rachel Alexander.