Last week the Wall Street Journal shared some stats on how LinkedIn ranks highest with small-business owners and is the social media tool with the greatest potential to help their company.
• six out of 10 small business owners say they believe social media tools are valuable to their company’s growth
• 30% say they use LinkedIn regularly to connect with customers and promote their business (#1)
• 41% said LinkedIn has the most potential out of all social media tools to grow their business (#1)
• four out of 10 businesses said they have employees dedicated to social media.
• Almost half of businesses spend 1-5 hours weekly on social media
• 1/3 of all businesses spend no time at all utilizing social media
(WSJ/Vistage Small Business CEO Survey, January 2013)
Some of these stats are just amazing – Only 4 out of 10 owners dedicate someone else in their business to their social media content, customer service and management? 1/3 aren’t on any platforms???
The article points out that owners generally have limited time and money to figure out how to utilize social media. THAT’S WHY WE’RE HERE AT MAGNUS AND YOU NEED TO TALK TO US TODAY!!! USE US AND LET US HELP YOU GET A SIMPLE AND MANAGEABLE GAME PLAN FOR YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA.
One business owner used LinkedIn “twice a week for two years and grew his monthly website visitors from 800 in 2011 to over 12,000 each month in 2012 and grew web-driven revenue fivefold.”
Not on Twitter to shop
One business owner interviewed in the article stated that “he never got the traction he wanted on Twitter because on Twitter people have short attention spans…[they] want quick news bits and move on. They’re not on Twitter to shop.”
We agree 100%. The use of Twitter depends on where your business is located and where your customers come from, what type of business you are and what you’re trying to accomplish. We believe Twitter is a great way to spread word of mouth and to create a buzz for your shop. But ask us about Flash Deals – that sort of promotion can be a great way to spark some spontaneous sales and customers during a slow day or to double-down during your peak times.
Learn who we manage now and get a feel for our multi-media content approach on social media…click here